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3 Tools to Help You With Your College Admissions Process

Many high school students have made it a point to go to college. They see this next step in their lives as best preparing them for the “real world,” giving them the instruction needed to find the career of their dreams. The process, though, for attending their dream college can be a complex and often intimidating one.

There are a variety of tools that can help the college admissions process not seem so daunting. Today, we’ll focus on three of those tools that can help with a student’s college admissions process.

1. Test Scores


When you apply to attend a university or college, one of the most important tools that you’ll need are previous test scores. All college admissions processes require that you include these scores as a part of the application process. Normally, it’s only testing for high school that you need to indicate during the college admissions process. Though many people might argue about the real-world application of such scores to future careers, colleges require that they still be included when applying. Many students across the United States will understand this as they begin to go through the college application process.

Colleges require test scores from SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject tests for admittance into their schools. As of 2020, a passable score range for the ACT ranged from the 75th percentile (24) to the 90th percentile (29). Many colleges prefer that you have a combined SAT score of at least 1200, preferably 1400 or more. So before you start looking for the best language app to utilize for that study abroad trip, you’ll need to make sure your test scores are up to par. Concentrate on getting the strongest test scores possible so you can attend your dream school. Test scores are essential tools that can help with the college admissions process.

2. College Admissions Websites

The internet has done a great service in providing low and middle-income families with the tools needed to help their children attend their dream schools. There are websites that offer services such as college admissions counseling, test prep, scholarship matching, and navigation of student aid awards or financing. Websites such as Empowerly do their best to help triple students’ chances of getting into their dream college. Empowerly also does this through tracking university deadlines and even essay editing.

These websites assist students every step of the way, helping high school students at their own pace. Websites like these have become extremely helpful for those students who don’t have access to the money to open college admissions doors. These websites do their best to level the playing field for teens at all economic levels. Whether it’s providing a professional tutor to a student for test prep or helping a family locate financial aid options, college admissions websites are crucial tools for helping you with the college admissions process.

3. Parents


Trying to get into your dream school can be a daunting task. You often spend too much time worrying about if you’re going to get into the school of your choice. This period of time can be stressful. At times. you even feel that people are speaking a different language as you navigate this newfound world of college admissions. One of the best support tools that you’ll have during this time is your parents. Even if your parents didn’t have an opportunity to attend their own dream college, they still want you to attend your chosen university.

There’s a certain sense of pride that a parent has when they help their child get into college. They’ll make sure you make it to your weekly test prep tutoring sessions. Your mother or father will be willing to work additional hours at their jobs to ensure that you have extra money for your college textbooks. They’ll do their best to prepare you for the real-world aspects of attending school away from home. Your parents are the best support tools that you have when getting prepared for college admissions.


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